Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This is my vision board. Although I can see and feel "my life as I've known it" falling apart and I'm losing so much of what I had..losing love, losing a sweet relationship, losing a house, a property, losing income, etc. It is still the time to assess and set goals. The orange parts are categories I've chosen. I notice that time paramaters have changed: short term is this year, middle goals tend to be 3-5 years and long range up to 15 years. It's too weird!! I feel like I've been unemployed forever, because I had the summer "off". I've really been unemployed for 3 months, and at least I have the sub job with the schools here. Since I am in charge of ME I also decided to soften the terms by using "now", "soon" and "near future".

Under the JOB category I have "FIND ONE" and listed possibilities and benefits that I need. FITNESS is usually a given in January and there my graphic says, "walk off 30" and a list of physical activities I'd like to engage in, besides the fruit and vegies "EAT GOOD STUFF".  I know it means smaller portions, whole grains, less meat, etc. I should add mental fitness meaning counseling, meditation and relaxation--chiropractor and massage! FINANCIAL brings to mind "budgeting, saving, live debt free and retirement savings, etc." Under EDUCATION I list training I need and things I still would like to learn (better at guitar, foreign language, etc.). In the SPIRITUAL one I list the scriptures, prayer, journal for daily; magnify my callings, Family Home Evening, temple attendance; and for the near future there is geneology and a couple of other things.

For HOME (and family) I've listed my housing options and the dream of my own place...right now I have "my own space" and that is okay. I need a CREATIVITY category and list only 2 ongoing projects at a time (for my sanity) but I get to choose from "paint at will, make a quilt, sew a shirt, build a ukulele". Under WANTS (the "frivolous but full of stuff" category) I have listed my "material girl" things--wants but not NEEDS like a small digital point and shoot, vacation trips, new electric toothbrush etc. and I added a WHEELS AND GEARS section with car and bike goals, one is "keep them in good running order". The final section I titled RELATIONSHIP with hearts surrounding..but that one is veiled in generalities.." and at the forefront of my mind, "aloha no ua ho'omanawanui, aloha no ua lokomaika'i"..."love is patient, love is kind".
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