Friday, December 18, 2009

machine quilting

So, I've had this system that was designed by a retired engineer turned quilter for a month or so.....In theory it works really spiffy, especially since I sent my 30+ year old Bernina out to be serviced. I slid the DVD into the slot and set things up as directed and for the life of me, I'm so scared that this has been sitting for a couple of weeks at least. I'm getting my courage up to finish quilting this using my new system. I suppose it beats the other options out...most systems cost upwards of a few thousand dollars and you really need an entire room dedicated to quilting! I've already done a quilt using the Bernina and my own 2 little hands without this type of setup so it should be easy squeezy. I've gotta get this done by Christmas for my grandson. Carpe diem, I think is what they say..Sieze the Day!
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