Saturday, December 26, 2009

windmills of your mind

Circles...why? "Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel never ending or beginning in an ever-spinning the circles that you find, in the windmills of your mind"'s a song from the 60's...maybe a theme from a James Bond movie, whatever it was, I remember...... and related it to: Wheels, tracks, motorcycles, gears, tools, trains, Hawaii....they are all included in this quilt. When I first saw circles in quilts I didn't think about how against the grain of things I'd be going. I blogged my first efforts and then felt so discouraged that I put the project aside as sewing quarter circles and squares stretched and deformed. Then one day, months later, I saw something that made better a large circle onto a larger square and then cut that in's rocket science, I tell you, and the lightbult glowed bright in my brain! In another vein of mindlessness I was at a birthday party and saw a quilt on the couch...circles...bullseyes!! I picked Barb's brain and she shared her experience of a group of her friends, a couple of them are avid and experienced quilters and they worked on this quilt together. Hmmmm...
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