I inherited DRIVE from my parents. I have learned laughing out loud, loving completely and appreciating a motorcycle ride. From my family I learn unconditional love. Now I learn to carry on. Of little sleep, I feel the need to fill each day with accomplishment. I have a zest for life and a curiosity to know about anything and everything!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine/Gung hee fah choy
It's gonna be a 2 week long celebration! I was going through stuff AGAIN and I'm down a size so I got 2 bags for Goodwill/DI. Out with the oversized old t-shirts and a few pairs of jeans that are large....and I still have 6 pairs that I can put to good use (motorcycle riding, painting, light construction and yard work)! I looked around and found this skirt, a pair of Dockers and a pair Levi 505 jeans in super condition all for $11!! When I'm down another size maybe I'll start to take pictures of ME inside the clothes!! My workouts are spotty and occur about 3 times a week as I work towards 5 or 6 days of some kind of physical exercise (volleyball twice, does that count?). We watch shows on the laptop in the garage while on the elliptical, and I walk the neighborhood loop with the loop getting larger and including hills (ugh!!)--it's okay and I did that core class on Wednesday (hurt for 2 days afterwards!).
At the beginning of the week we did valentine cookies and decorated with royal icing and sugar crystal sprinkles. I may need to do one more batch to give to friends. Today we cook Chinese and in the coming week I have two lunch dates and a movie. There's a bunch of just us gals who like getting together once in awhile. I've agreed with one friend that we will be active friends..not always going out to eat unless it is sensible! Project goals include painting, finishing the duvet cover and take pics of the new digs..my room! Yesterday I helped Brandon get kids to dance and basketball (Noe coached a v-ball tournament), cleaned up the shop table, got rid of odds and ends and then headed to Nix and Jenny's where she and I painted ONE, SINGLE doorjamb and trim...it took a few hours...YIKES those are time consuming!!
Reading with the book club is a great activity and I've been combing Half.com and Amazon besides the second hand stores...at Amazon I find books for a few cents...with shipping at a couple of dollars!! I ordered MOLOKA'I, James Michener's HAWAII, SHARK CHRONICLES and found a new book HONOLULU. I covet the Pele/Hiiaka books but they are pipiiwale no (expensive, full price!). I read when I can't sleep..read 3 books last week! I'm still getting my 8 hours, though--didn't craft, sew or paint!
I'm glad the rain has stopped..seemed like it poured down for days and days!!