I inherited DRIVE from my parents. I have learned laughing out loud, loving completely and appreciating a motorcycle ride. From my family I learn unconditional love. Now I learn to carry on. Of little sleep, I feel the need to fill each day with accomplishment. I have a zest for life and a curiosity to know about anything and everything!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Everybody, everybody?
Yup! Everybody had fun..from toddlers in strollers on the rink, to tweens and teens, adults who skate, Uncles and Aunties who skate and race...the race was won by Auntie Jenny "Apollo" Place while Uncle Brad the chiropractor really needed one after falling several times during the party, Uncles and Aunties who didn't skate but played hosts to all who attended, to grandmas looking on or shooting pictures!