Tuesday, April 6, 2010

reminds me of "curlers in your hair, shame on you"

Now the top is glued and the spool clamps hold the top and back to the sides as I wait for the glue to dry again....
I'd like to mention that this top is really busted up..I couldn't decide which size to make, which pattern to follow AND the top is something I began about 5 years ago when I didn't have many tools.  So I asked my friend Rick Harrahill to thin down the top..maybe stick it to another board and run it through a planer..well, it got spun around under the rollers and gouged out at the top to the left of the soundhole....but decided to keep it...and more recently to MAKE this an ukulele to use.  I measured the thickness of the gouged out parts and decided there was enough MEAT left to sand it down. The dark color near the soundhole is dried up GLUE!
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