Monday, April 12, 2010

TV time

I stopped by Kawika's place in the evening with my clay bag. I suppose I have to do all of the basics to hone my skills. In handbuilding you make things by slab (rolling pin, cut out and stick together using slip--watered down clay), coil (roll long, even coils, pile the coils and join them by patting, etc. into a form you like), and the ever elementary pinch pot.

Trishana and I sat at a little TV tray while watching a movie and fashioned many little pieces. I finished this one, a small slab container adorned by a rose (3-D, get out your red/blue glasses!) and made some stamps from clay to help decorate with some other pieces I'd like to do. I like the idea of gargoyles and need to think of a practical use for them...oh yeah....Bookends!!

Well, Monday morning....on with the day!
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