Saturday, May 15, 2010

Magnificent Olympics from Seabeck

I decided that this hiking season would be spent on the peninsula exploring nearby places and going to the Olympics. We are not as safe as we've been in the past..not a manly man accompanying us on our explorations and escapades. I found an interest group to join..will probably become a bigtime tree hugger in the process. I don't want to risk getting into any dangerous situations especially with grandkids in tow! Nissy and I are previewing some close in spots to use as destinations for our art adventure group in the summer. I think that the g-kids have already mastered the digital camera and even the 4 and 5 year olds know how to point and shoot! Then we can go home to our studio and do some interpretive drawings and paintings of the photos, using the photos to trigger our memory of being in that place.
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