Thursday, June 24, 2010

summertime kidart

Some of the kids were over and we took a hike by counting power line metal people and went as far as 3 of them, talking about nature, keeping the Earth clean (they decided to count cigarette butts on the way home). We identified some flora: blackberries in bloom, California poppies, Scotch (broom or bloom-I must google), wild daisies and, of course, dandelions. We listened to bird songs and tried to identify the clouds (nimbus, cumulus, stratus..etc. I will need to bone up on clouds if we do this again). We checked out some rocks and I told them to plan and decide what painting on their rock would look like so they could choose a shape. On the way back they picked out their rock and carried them home. Then we scrubbed and painted them. Jack is MIA in these pics..he was onto other things by the time I pulled out the point and shoot. I'm surprised at the intensity and concentration the kids showed during this exercise. In the end we got a mountain and rainbow, 2 volcanoes, and some line patterns and designs.

Nissy is out being a pioneer and Marcus, Hayden and Noah will join us next week. Doggone it, I missed Trishana.

We're excited for the weeks to come. Next week is a biggie..we're going to visit some koi fish, do a water color project based on that experience and try for fish flags or kites. I have plans for 6 art experience days--1 each week. Some involve an excursion. In the 6 weeks we'll cover drawing and painting, some work with clay (pinch, coil and slab), tie dye, and stamping..making your own stamps from foam sheets. It's all GOOD.
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