Sunday, October 31, 2010

I think it's the hat!

I put together a Mad Hatter outfit to take a picture with these Halloweend characters..Anisa..tall gal in the back is into Steam Punk and I can best describe that it seems like a Victorian Era futuristic way of thinking. Next weekend is a Steam Punk convention with bands, etc. She also likes Irish drinking songs..maybe in an effort to be so different from other teens she is becoming very eccentrically apart..this is like Star Wars and Star Trek fan groups; but hey, I don't really know what it's all about. In orange is Trishana, as a hockey goalie, between Anisa and I is Jack, the Ninja, me, the Mad Hatted person and I didn't want to clean orange gunk out of my hair! Oscar is the Zombie who looks like he's eating the puff balls on Kawailani's Toff costume, and Lehua has tried to take off the armor of Suki, a Kiyoshi Warrior from Avatar, the Last Airbender from the Nickelodeon cartoon series..I dressed to be a part of this picture and to hand out candy...though I would have done better to walk off some of the sweets I've been having for the last few days!! As usual, a good time was had by all as we had franks and beans and chicken and dumplings for dinner. I will need to search for something GREEN and healthy to eat for the next few days!

November is the month our family has 4 birthdays!!! And these kids were talking turkey already!!
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