I inherited DRIVE from my parents. I have learned laughing out loud, loving completely and appreciating a motorcycle ride. From my family I learn unconditional love. Now I learn to carry on. Of little sleep, I feel the need to fill each day with accomplishment. I have a zest for life and a curiosity to know about anything and everything!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
teapot 2
I hurriedly threw 2 bowls and 2 small saucers..hurried because of time crunch and really wanting to put this together...and because Vokolek says, "Every closed pot has a secret." I think my secret is that these were really BAD pots but I knew they had potential. One saucer is upside down becoming the bottom then a bowl is right-side-up, joined to another bowl that is upside down. I cut a hole in that one to put a lid inside and the second saucer sits in the hole as a lid. I'm trying to decide if the elephant trunk-ish spout needs to be cut ouff short and not seem so much like A THINGY to me. I'm working on finishing some texture on the bottom and will clean it up a tad before setting it on the rack to dry. My at home projects will be complete except for a Franken-pot I've been trying to save...wish me luck!!