Sunday, October 2, 2022

 Not that anyone is following me right now, but I'm thinking I can learn new old things! Maybe I can learn how to blog again, and import pictures from my phone or google photos? Worth a try.

Okay, wow, it worked.  But I really need to go through my photos--97% full!! 

Anyhow, the sun keeps blazing through the kitchen window and I spend a lotta time in this spot near the sink.  I tried this set up and 2 things are wrong.  Number one, the sun filters through the fabric and the yeah in the papaya tree just looks Bad.  Number two, I don't like the painting, and I guess there's a third thing:  it makes the kitchen to dark!  Possible solutions?  1-work on the painting so the leaves look like papaya leaves  2-line the fabric  3- make this into a shade that rolls up when I want the light and scenic view from the window.