Friday, January 14, 2011

making notes

Usually after each pottery session I write notes and set goals for the next session--right now it's all about basic shapes and forms, but I will need to study a lot and branch out into finding my own niche, a decorating style or form style all my own. Some of my pottery friends are quite accomplished..I wish to imitate them...but I need to find ME in all of this. I know I'm not the feminine potter of thin porcelain dishes..but I'm not the heavy handed potter either...something in between. As with other creative becomes a MADNESS! There is so much more to explore and learn! And back at the studio I have more pieces to put handles on and build into teapots. I challenge myself to wedge 10-12 mounds of clay and to turn them into something within an hour or so on the wheel. Yesterday I was running out of time and globbed 2 mounds together..I threw a huge serving I took a look and the bottom was too thin; so I lumped it all together and will turn it into something else next time. That is the next step...TO GO LARGER and see how large a mound I will be able to control, shape and form.
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